350 Richmond Terrace, 4e, Staten Island, NY 10301
Apartment - 10301
353.91Building Sqft
About 350 Richmond Terrace, Staten Island
Experience the perfect fusion of style and convenience with this fully furnished apartment. Located just minutes away from the Staten Island Ferry and Empire Outlets. This residence offers convenience yet, a tranquil escape from the bustling city, allowing you to unwind and rejuvenate in a location that offers beautiful views of the Manhattan skyline.
Facts & Features
Subtype | Apartment |
County | Richmond |
Garages | None |
Basement Type | None |
Tax Abated | No |
Style | High Rise |
List Price per Sqft | $353.91 |
Bedrooms | 1 |
Total Bathrooms | 1 |
Zoning | R5 |
Appliances | Microwave |
Electric | 110 |
Heating System | Hot Water |
Air Conditioner | Units |
Area | St. George |
Condition | Excellent |
Year Built | 1960 |
Building Sqft | 353.91 |
Full Baths | 1 |
Siding | Brick |
Sewer | City |
Heating Source | Natural Gas |
# of Heating Units | 1 |
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